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Read Highlander. El Pergamino Oculto (2011)

Highlander. El pergamino oculto (2011)

Online Book

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8498007305 (ISBN13: 9788498007305)
La Factoria de Ideas

Highlander. El Pergamino Oculto (2011) - Plot & Excerpts

Fallon is my favorite kind of hero, the outwardly strong one who's inwardly vulnerable. He's only recently overcome drowning his sorrows in alcohol when he meets Larena, a female Warrior with a goddess inside her. They feel an immediate, almost impossible to resist sexual attraction to each other. Their instant chemistry is one of the reasons I didn't quite love this book as much as the first one in the series; it didn't seem like they had to work very hard to end up in bed together. So, this novel didn't have as much emotional pull for me as I would have liked, but I still enjoyed it quite a bit. I don't usually read Highland romances, but this is a paranormal, which is my favorite genre. Fallon meets Larena on his trip to petition the king. She is a warrior also with exceptional powers. I like this one better than the first book, but I am done with this series. The main story line starts well but is overshadowed by the showcased couple. Again, the ending has wedding plans. It is odd to have so much joy with so many unresolved a brother who is being tortured by and evil witch.

What do You think about Highlander. El Pergamino Oculto (2011)?

I like highlanders romance.... It so interesting & exciting adventure!!

Great book, love this series ♥♥♥

fallon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yum!!

Another great read

Excellent series

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