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Read Forbidden Highlander (2010)

Forbidden Highlander (2010)

Online Book

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0312381239 (ISBN13: 9780312381233)
St. Martin's Press

Forbidden Highlander (2010) - Plot & Excerpts

Fallon McLeod is the oldest of the three McLeod brothers. We were introduced to him as a drunk in the first book, trying to forget that he's got a god/monster within him and refusing to transform to fight. But he did transform in order to save his brother's love in that book. In this one, Fallon has become sober and is trying to lead the fight against the evil Druidess whilst falling in love with a female Warrior. Because the storyline is ongoing, I'd recommend reading these books in order. Another great story by Donna Grant. Loving the Dark Swords series. Fallon’s story was as good as Logan’s. So much happens in this one.Fallon, who up until now is broken or at least thinks he is, drowns himself in wine to drown out his god. Fear does that to him. Meeting Larena, Fallon learns to turn that fear into courage, because he learns to care and love Larena. She’s a fierce female Warrior, who’s fear spurs Fallon’s protectiveness and forces him to face his own fears to protect her. Larena, although weary of everyone, learns to put her trust in the one man who loves her enough to unleash and control his god so that he can become the man and Warrior he was born to be. Larena is such a strong character, and a perfect match for Fallon.This was such a spectacular story. I enjoyed it as much as the first one. Loving the MacLeods. In this one some more Warriors and Druids are introduced, so we are really seeing the affects of what Deidre has been doing. What I love about these books is that each Warrior or Druid coming to the MacLeod Castle, play a pivitol part of the story and the MacLeod family. Each are welcome and each learn to care for the others and are willing to fight against Deidre.So much action, romance and magic in this story. It was fast paced and hard to put down.

What do You think about Forbidden Highlander (2010)?

I always love it when a heroine is kickass. She may be a lady but I like that Larena is a fighter.

You won't be able to put it down. Action packed with sexy, sensual alphas!!!!!!!

i dont know about this book kinda boring im sorry

I think im in love with Fallon!!!

really good

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