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Read Untamed Highlander (2011)

Untamed Highlander (2011)

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St. Martin's Press

Untamed Highlander (2011) - Plot & Excerpts

I never expected to like this story because I didn't care much for Hayden and Isla, but they're too conflicted among themselves and towards each other I can't resist but read on.Hayden is living in angst for centuries and he hates droughs for what his family suffered. Isla is an unwilling drough, she's a victim in the grand scheme of things, being made to do evil things against her will, with both her sister and niece as Dierdre's leverage.When Hayden and Isla first made love, it's not all sunshine and roses, they still resisted the attraction especially Hayden, which is understandable. Isla is stronger than she looks but it cut her deep. It took the pain of loss to really cherish what they have, and in this case the power of love triumphed over evil.I like how Ms Grant writes evil characters, they're the ones we love to hate and her protagonists aren't perfect. It makes for an exciting read, with all the magic surrounding it all. The love scenes were hotter and more intense because of Hayden and Isla, with the latter's passion bottled for centuries only to be a unleashed by someone who hated her entire being.I'm still cuious on how Deirdre would rise again. "End this," Isla whispered. "Please, take my head." Not knowing if it was real or not, Hayden pushed Galen's hand from his head, but Isla still gazed at him. "Please," she begged hoarsely, her eyes beseeching him. "You must kill me now." - Chapter 2 into Untamed Highlander and I'm crying my eyes out! AMAZING! Loved it! Loved it! Loved it! This novel gets better and better. I'm so looking forward reading the next installment.

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