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Read Darkest Highlander (2012)

Darkest Highlander (2012)

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0312533497 (ISBN13: 9780312533496)
St. Martin's Paperbacks

Darkest Highlander (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

A solid 5 star read. Superb story, phenominal series. Darkest Highlander is a no bars hold story delivering fast paced page after page of adrenaline adventure, shocking suspense, emotional turmoil and sensual romance. Every book so far in this series is based on one warriors tale intermingling with the previous and future characters for one common goal yet his story is unique to his own personal tragedy to where he finds true love. It is just so brilliantly told that after reading each story, you will want to have the next book on hand to continue following along where the other book left off and really it should be read in sequence but Donna does provide an synopses of the events that occurred previously in each book but the feel just isn't the same had you read the books in the order intended. Just finished reading Darkest Highlander. Broc and Sonia's story and the last of the Dark Sword series.I was so excited to finally read about Broc. When we first met Broc we find out he's been with Deirdre for centuries, but as a spy. What kept him from losing all control was keeping Sonia in his heart.This story starts off at the end of the last one, Shadow Highlander. Sonia runs away thinking that not only has she lost her magic, but also Broc blames her for not saving her sister.I really enjoyed this story. So much happened in this installment.Sonia is such a great match for Broc. When Deirdre recaptures Broc, most women would have gone back to the MacLeods for help. Sonia instead takes a chance and decides to go after Broc herself. Although just a Druid, whose magic has temporarily disappeared, Sonia is a very strong lead character. She uses her wit and thinks up a plan on rescuing Broc.This story was very fast paced and as usual I loved the romance in this. I also loved the battle scenes. The one thing I would have liked, is to see more of the rest of the Warriors. In the past books in this series, all the Warriors and Druids were a prevalent part of the story. But unfortunately we only got to see them a few times.Additionally, I would have loved to understand more about Broc's curse. There didn't seem to be enough about it. How or even if it would have affected Sonia, etc.The end was a great lead into the Dark Warrior series. Awesome teasers and a few shocking scenes.Definitely got me excited to read this next series.

What do You think about Darkest Highlander (2012)?

I really enjoyed this but need to know what happens to Deidre and the warriors!!

Just couldn't get into this couple's story at all...

Loved it...a way unexpected but intriguing ending.

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